
We provide executive search for nonprofit organizations.  Our time is spent focused on representing nonprofit leadership opportunities to individuals we believe have a potential fit. Often the types of professionals we speak to are not actively seeking a new job. Typically, we will identify potential candidates using a proactive approach such as contacting targeted people in specific companies who appear to fit the job profile. Savvy executives often appreciate the opportunity to develop a relationship and stay in our network. We welcome you to our talent network and encourage you to stay connected and visit our website often to view new opportunities. You can also include your resume in our database for future reference.  Send my resume

Female candidate for executive position shaking hands after an interview
Tapas style charcuterie board filled with small bites

Talent Tapas Newsletter

What is Talent Tapas?

A quarterly newsletter with tidbits from Spano Pratt Executive Search with new opportunities, recent placements, along with bite-sized interesting trends in talent.

Don't Get A Job - Get-A-Passion.  

Our fee is paid for by the hiring (client) employer company or organization, and never by the job candidate. Sometimes individuals interested in a career transition misunderstand our role. We represent our client companies. We do not actively engage in outplacement services or fee for services related to career management or transition, as this would be a conflict of interest. However, there are skilled professionals who have developed a practice based on this service, and we are happy to make a referral.
Executive search candidate talking to a recruiter